A Midsummer Night's Dream1 한 여름 밤의 꿈 - 영어 연극대본 A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM DRAMATIS PERSONAE THESEUSDuke of Athens. EGEUSfather to Hermia. LYSANDER| | in love with Hermia. DEMETRIUS| PHILOSTRATEmaster of the revels to Theseus. QUINCEa carpenter. SNUGa joiner. BOTTOMa weaver. FLUTEa bellows-mender. SNOUTa tinker. STARVELINGa tailor. HIPPOLYTAqueen of the Amazons, betrothed to Theseus. HERMIAdaughter to Egeus, in love with Lysander. HELENAin lov.. 2014. 9. 19. 이전 1 다음 반응형